
Alan Dix

Alan Dix is a professor in the Human–Computer Interaction Centre at the University of Birmingham and senior researcher at Talis. He has worked in HCI for over thirty years and is the author of one of the major textbooks in the area. His research has included foundational work on formal methods in HCI, some of the earliest work on privacy in HCI and the ethics of machine learning. His more recent work is partly focused on learning analytics, pedagogic issues related to novel technology, and the future of the textbook. He also has a practical and theoretical interest in digital and data issues for marginal communities, which has included walking one thousand miles around Wales to study IT 'at the edge'. He runs the twice-yearly Tiree Tech Wave.
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Open Data Islands and Communities

Smiley face How do we make digital technology serve those at physical and social margins of society?
Digital technology, not least the internet, has transformed many aspects of our lives. Crucially, in many countries access to digital technology has become an essential part of the nature of modern citizenry for commercial services; for access to access to government, and for participation in democratic processes, for example much of the UK Brexit and US Presidential campaigns were fought on Facebook.
However, the ability take advantage digital technology is not uniform, those at the margins typically have disproportionately poor access, both in terms of physical connectivity and skills. There is a danger that digital technology can deepen the existing divides in our world.
In this talk I will look at these issues and most importantly ways we can, as researchers and practitioners, seek to create technologies that serve all communities. I will focus particularly on open data, how we can devise ways to make it more easily found, accessed, and visualised by small communities at the edges, and moreover how they can become active creators of information: producers not merely subjects of data.
I will draw on experience in a number of projects on the small Scottish island of Tiree and also my 1500 kilometre walk around the edges of Wales.

Rui Casais CEO da Funcom

A Funcom é uma produtora independente de jogos, cotada na bolsa de valores de Oslo e com escritórios de desenvolvimento na Noruega e nos Estados Unidos, especializada em jogos MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) que é dirigida pelo Português Rui Casais desde maio de 2015.O Rui começou como programador em 2004 no jogo Age of Conan, tendo passado por diversas funções até chegar à liderança da Funcom.

Videojogos – Como sobreviver e crescer numa indústria em constante mudança

Smiley face A indústria de videojogos tem-se caracterizado por uma rápida evolução e pela forma imparável com que persegue novas tecnologias. Estas características geram inúmeras oportunidades de negócio mas em contrapartida também são responsáveis por criarem um ambiente difícil de controlar e prever. A Funcom é um exemplo deste fluxo constante nesta indústria, tendo crescido e contraído várias vezes durante os 12 anos em que Rui Casais lá está a trabalhar, e é com base nesta experiência que serão dados exemplos de dicas e conhecimentos adquiridos para não apenas sobreviver, mas também crescer, neste mercado bem competitivo.